Divorce cases are increasing by the day, but it is different from the common legal cases. This difference can be attributed to the complexity and sensitivity of cases relating to marriage conflicts. A competent and experienced divorce attorney is key to getting the desired result.
Divorce can be described as the dissolution of a marriage legally in a court of law. Divorce can be categorized into two areas, namely, contested divorce and uncontested divorce. In contested divorce, the parties never reach a consensus and the case is litigated in trial, while in an uncontested divorce both parties reach a mutual agreement. A legal separation is quite different from a divorce. This is because a divorce involves termination of the marriage but a legal separation involves the termination of the right to cohabitate but the marital bond still exists.
Filing for Divorce
Before filing for a divorce, it is in your best interest to consult with a professional divorce attorney. Each state has its own residency requirement for the period which a spouse must live within the state before being eligible to file a divorce.
Each state has its own unique laws which govern the grounds for divorce. There are some states that provide both fault and no-fault as available grounds for divorce, while other states have completely done away with fault divorce options.
– Fault divorce: A fault divorce can occur when a spouse is accused of violating the standard relationship behavior in a marriage, which is followed by evidentiary proceedings to prove the wrongdoing. Each state has their written laws which constitute a basis for establishing a fault ground that can lead to divorce. The common grounds include adultery, extended imprisonment, or cruel treatment or abuse.
– No-Fault divorce: A no-Fault divorce is a case where there is no established case of wrongdoing against any of the parties involved. A no-fault divorce can be approved if the marriage is considered irretrievably broken or the parties involved have differences that are beyond reconciliation.
As the laws governing divorce vary not only from state to state but from county to county, it is important to find a divorce attorney who is highly experienced and have handled many divorce cases in your particular jurisdiction.
What does it take to divorce an alcoholic?
The fact that your partner is an alcohol addict does not mean he will not provide for the family financially and in all other aspects. There are professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, business tycoons and many others who are suffering from alcohol addiction but still maintain a functional life and even in some cases are outstanding in their professional fields. Divorcing an alcoholic can cause a high level of stress to both parties. The resultant effects of divorcing an alcoholic can sometimes be unpredictable, hence, it is advisable to get an experienced divorce attorney. These professionals provide legal advice and guide you through the process. With the help of a divorce attorney, you can be rest assured of getting a fair result.
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Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.