20 Years of Combined Family Law Legal Experience in Camp Hill PA
Too often grandparents provide needed support and child-raising assistance for grandchildren, yet have little or no rights when parents deny visitation rights to them or when other circumstances bring legal problems.
We know that, as grandparents, it is important to you to have and to retain a relationship with your grandchildren, and we offer skilled help in pursuing solutions directly with family members as well as in court.
A recent case illustrates our effectiveness in addressing and resolving grandparents’ family law concerns. Our clients’ daughter was incarcerated because of illegal drug use, and they raised her children for years. When our clients’ daughter was released from jail, she insisted on getting her kids back and denied our clients access to their grandchildren.
Our aggressive legal representation resulted in extensive visitation rights for our clients. Later, when serious issues again arose, our clients returned to raising their grandchildren and now have full legal custody.
In addition to helping grandparents, we work with other relatives, including aunts and uncles. We also work with parents to contest suits initiated by grandparents. For more information regarding grandparent rights in Pennsylvania, contact our lawyer team.
Practice Areas
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Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.