If you are considering divorce, property division is a consideration for you and your ex-spouse . Whether or not you possess extensive assets, you want the division of assets to be fair. Talk to an attorney at our firm about your situation. Whether you own homes, investments, a family business, or retirement accounts, we can advise you on the process of asset division. Contact a Camp Hill PA property division attorney.
Many couples hope and plan for a swift and agreeable divorce. This is also our goals at The Law Offices of Peter J. Russo, P.C., Effective communication can reduce conflict and complication in your case. The attorney has handled hundreds of divorce cases, including numerous cases that were resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods and out of court.
While most divorce cases do not go to trial, our settlement negotiations must take into account what a judge would do if your case were to go to court. In Pennsylvania, “equitable division” is the standard. Rather than a strict 50-50 split of the value of your property, a judge will take into account your circumstances and your spouse’s and order a division the court considers fair.
The Law Offices of Peter J. Russo, P.C. has a strong commitment to the law and the legal community, and all the communities we serve.
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Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.