20 Years of Combined experience Legal Experience in South Central Pennsylvania
The need for child custody legal help usually results from a child custody dispute. How can you accomplish your child custody and visitation goals when they differ from those of a determined spouse?
At the Law Offices of Peter J. Russo, P.C., we have 20 years of combined experience working to facilitate agreements and to fight for clients’ rights in child custody disputes. We view our initial role in child-related disputes as that of skilled negotiators and facilitators. Why?
Because Pennsylvania courts generally seek to protect children’s best interests by allowing for both parents to share in and contribute to their children’s lives through shared custody and generous visitation rights. To that end, and to lessen stress and save money and time, we encourage communication, compromise and agreement through negotiation. We are well-versed and have years of experience in mediation and the collaborative law process.
We understand that your relationship with your child is your highest priority. When open communication fails to yield a satisfactory result with an uncompromising or, perhaps, unfit parent, we are ready to take your case to court.
For more information on your child custody and visitation legal rights and options in Pennsylvania, contact our office for an initial consultation.
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Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.