Adoptions Involving A Surrogate Require A Careful Approach
Anyone who has struggled to start or add to their family understands the stress and frustrations that accompany infertility issues. For some in...
Despite Restrictions, Need For International Adoption Exists
There is probably no greater gift provided to children without parents than when prospective parents formally adopt them. This is especially true...
In considering adoption, there are pros and cons to consider
If you have ever entered into a business transaction of any kind you know that it can be very convoluted. The legal requirements to close any deal...
For Adoptees, The Need For Family Medical History Is Important
Imagine going to the doctor in Harrisburg. As you wait for the nurse to take you back, you are asked to fill out certain forms. After getting through...
Pennsylvania Mother Flees State To Put Son Up For Adoption
Not all pregnancies in Pennsylvania are planned and sometimes men and women are unwilling or unable to keep the child that results. For many of these...
Teen Seeks Adoptive Parents From Pulpit
In Pennsylvania and other states, adoption of a child may be a complex process. In Florida, a 15-year-old boy has taken the matter into his own hands...
Court: Adopted Child To Stay With Non-Biological Family
Pennsylvania residents may have heard about the latest twist in a landmark child custody saga that has received considerable national coverage....
Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.